About the Council for Black Business Enterprises:

The ongoing threat of racism and the immediate threat of COVID-19 have had a significant and profound negative effect on Black people; economically, socially and physically.  We are under siege! 

More specifically, we continue to see systemic disparities play out in the Black Business community when seeking contract opportunities, access to capital, and a level playing field. Even when Black Businesses have the certifications, capacity, networks, and financing to be qualified for opportunities, it is still not enough.  They still face significant barriers that prevent them from securing contracts. 

In response to this crises, the Council for Black Business Enterprises (The Council) was established by Inspire Enterprise Inc. in August of 2020. It is a community of stakeholders who have taken on the shared responsibility to address the disparities experienced by Black Businesses in the New York State and New York City contracting systems. This council is comprised of a community of influencers  who have made a significant difference individually and collectively to be Champions for Black Business Enterprises. Most importantly, they know they can make an even bigger difference by joining forces.

What happens when policies and practices are reconstructed to be more inclusive? The Council has come together in that spirit to create real, meaningful change to transform mindsets, inherent biases, and systemic racist processes. This council will serve as a place to hear the voices of Black Business Owners and each other, to identify solutions, and positively influence systems that exclude Black Businesses. We have a vision of what can happen when we rebuild policies and practices to be all-embracing and create change from the inside out.

Our Mission and Purpose are clear. The times have dictated them.  Change must happen, actions must be taken, results must materialize. Now more than ever, we must be intentional on our WHY and connect it  to the WHAT we are doing?

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