Self Credit Repair Solutions

Fix Your Credit - About Us


If you’re asking yourself “How can I fix my credit?”, you are absolutely in the right place? Our mission is not only to educate and provide you the essential tools to build and/or fix your credit but also give you the resources to establish a solid foundation to achieve financial freedom. As you will find out, we are not just another credit repair organization. We teach you how to do it yourself and give you all the resources. We know financial independence does not begin or end with good credit. It starts with an understanding of key financial principles that enable us to make sound financial decisions in all aspects of our financial life. With that said, good credit is still the cornerstone of our financial health.

What was the
genesis of this mission?

We saw the business owner’s frustration when an unforeseen disaster struck. He/she couldn’t obtain a business loan to get back on their feet. The individual who wanted to pursue their dream of starting a business but couldn’t get startup capital due to poor credit.

When you see a need,
you provide the solution.

We have the solution for you! Our strategic approach has provided our clients results time and time again. Take this journey with us and entrust us to make a difference for you as well. Once you get results, share the good news with a family member, friend, or colleague about how we made a difference. Our vision is to help every individual successfully fix their credit.

A journey always starts with a first step.

We have Inspire Enterprise’s The Way to Wealth Program that walks you through a step by step process to build and fix your credit and establish a sound budgeting system. Our program empowers and motivates you to take action.